River Levee Walk & Coffee/Breaky Catch up

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Please meet at the stairs in the carpark near Mr Lawrence in Fitzmaurice Street for a walk along the river levee bank. We usually walk to Wagga beach at least, sometimes beyond, depending on the capacity of the walkers present and upon return have a coffee and/or breakfast.

Hopefully this will be our last walk in lieu of on-water training this year! The walks have been very pleasant, but they have mainly been a way of remaining connected socially and keeping up routine as well as something toward fitness. Thank you to those who have supported the walks, dinner & coffee catch ups as and where you have been able to. Without participants, we don't have a club, so keeping up routine & contact is really important, even when we can't train on the water. Unfortunately I cannot make tomorrow's catch up as I will be working all day, but I hope there are a few of you who will get together and enjoy a lovely autumn morning walk. 

Let's all focus our thoughts on great weather for Saturday 20 May 2023, when we can take our boat out of mothballs and stretch our bodies once again and test the muscle memory! The event information to register for this training will be posted this weekend. 


Lisa Vidler



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